Leaving a place that you considered to be your new home is not easy. In this case it might be easier as I moved back to Holland, a known territory, but still... In just 1 week I noticed so many differences in culture, lifestyle, atttude that I am convinced Brighton is a wonderful place to live for me. I will miss it dearly and especially the beautiful people that make it special.
Moving back means signing in again at the town hall (yes, in Holland you have to register yourself in comparison to the UK), doing job interviews, opening a new bank account and looking for a flat. Starting again to create yourself a new home can be a struggle sometimes. But just as long as you keep doing the things that need to be done everything will finally fall into its place again. A good friend told me once:"In life 10% is what happens and the other 90% is how you look at it." Life will happen and circumstances will change but when you keep your eyes on your goals and adapt to the circumstances you are always moving towards where you want to go. I see life also as a playground with the plastic balls at a McDonalds restaurant. When you keep quiet and don't move everything around you will not change. But once you start moving and coming into action all the balls around you will start moving too and circumstances around you will change. I have been in this situation before and know from experience that it can be hard to step into a big black hole. We tend to try to hold on to our certainties in life and don't like to be exposed to the big unknown. This is caused by fear and can only be overcome by action. Just keep doing the things that need to be done. I didn't say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it...
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